The annual meeting of the Breeding Commission was arranged in Dortmund, on February
13th, the day prior to the 2nd International Dog Health Workshop,
with excellent
hospitality of the canine organisation (VDH).
Delegates from the following countries attended the meeting: Belgium (Roger van
Hoenacker), Denmark (Birgitte Schjøth), Estonia (Janne Orro-Taruste), France (Fréderic
Maison), Germany (Peter Friedrich), Italy (Maria Ceccarelli), Latvia (Inga Cerbule),
Luxembourg (Nicolas Schwab), The Netherlands (John Wauben), Norway (Astrid Indrebø),
Poland (Tom Borkowski), Portugal (Luís Gorjão Henriques), Russia (Larissa Galiaskarova
and translator Svetlana Nazarikhina), Slovakia (Nora Takácová), Sweden (Annica Uppström)
and Switzerland (Yvonne Jaussi).
President: Astrid Indrebø, Norway
Vice-president: Yvonne Jaussi, Switzerland
Secretary at the 2015 meeting: Kristin Aukrust, Norway
Here are the main issues and decisions from the meeting:
Wisdom Panel - DNA breed identification
It was a great pleasure to welcome Dr Gregoire Leroy, for the FCI Scientific Commission,
who had kindly offered to give a lecture on the laboratory Wisdom Panel concerning
DNA breed identification. The delegates from the FCI Scientific and Standards commissions,
as well as from the FCI Breeding Commission, were present to enjoy this very interesting
lecture. After the lecture and some brief discussion, the FCI Scientific and Standard
Commissions left to attend their joint meeting.
Guidelines regarding criteria for limited registration (not allowed for breeding)
Based on a suggestion from Slovakia, it was decided in 2014 that the commission
should work out a document with guidelines regarding criteria
for limited registration.
The delegates agreed that such guidelines will be of great importance for the national
kennel clubs. It is, however, important that these are guidelines – not specific
The BC (Breeding Commission) decided that the guidelines should be sent to FCI for
and publication on the FCI website. The delegates are encouraged to publish the
guidelines on the website of their national canine organisation.
These are the guidelines approved by the Breeding Commission, on February 13th,
The definition of limited registration in this document is “not allowed for breeding”.
A dog registered with limited registration will be issued an FCI pedigree, but the
remark “not allowed for breeding” will be printed on the pedigree. This remark must
also be available in the database of the national canine organisation, and be included
in the data with open access for the public, if such a database is available.
If a dog with limited registration is used for breeding, the offspring cannot be
registered in the studbook of any FCI member country or contract partner, unless
the limited registration has been rescinded by the national canine organisation
who established the limited registration.
When the term “national canine organisations” is used in this document, it includes
the breed clubs commissioned by the national canine organisation to register dogs
and issue pedigrees.
Who can decide to register a dog with limited registration?
- The national canine organisation that issues the original pedigree
- Import of dogs: The national canine organisation to which the dog is exported
- The breeder of the dog can ask the national canine organisation to register a puppy
with limited registration when applying for registering. The breeder CANNOT choose
to add limited registration to a pedigree after the ownership of the dog has been
transferred to a new owner
- The dog’s owner can ask the national canine organisation to register his/her dog
with limited registration
Who can rescind (remove) a limited registration of a dog?
FCI International Breeding Rules, Art 15: A limited registration can only be rescinded
by the national canine organisation that has established it.
Criteria for issuing limited registration:
4.1 Background
The fundament of these guidelines are given in FCI International Breeding Rules:
The fundament of these guidelines are given in FCI International Breeding Rules:
Art. 1.1: These FCI breeding regulations apply directly to all FCI member countries
as well as the contract partners. This means that breeding may only be carried out
with pedigree dogs which have a sound temperament, are healthy in functional and
hereditary terms and are registered with a studbook or register (appendix) recognised
by the FCI. In addition, they have to fulfil the requirements specified by the relevant
FCI member or contract partners.
Art. 1.2: The only dogs which are considered to be healthy in hereditary terms are
those transferring breed standard features, breed type and temperament typical of
that breed without displaying any substantial hereditary defects which could impair
the functional health of its descendants. The members and contract partners of the
FCI are required in this regard to prevent any exaggeration of breed features in
the standards which could result in impairment of the dogs' functional health.
Art. 1.3: Dogs with eliminating faults such as e.g. unsound temperament, congenital
deafness or blindness, hare-lip, cleft palate, substantial dental defects or jaw
anomalies, PRA, epilepsy, cryptorchidism, monorchidism, albinism, improper coat
colours or diagnosed severe hip dysplasia may not be bred.
4.2 Registration of puppies with unhealthy parents
The national canine organisation can register with limited registration puppies
from parents with severe hip dysplasia and/or elbow dysplasia, inherited severe
eye diseases like PRA, congenital deafness, unsound temperament, severe respiration
problems or other eliminating fault, whether or not mentioned as examples in Art
1.3. in FCI International Breeding Rules.
4.3 Matador breeding and heavy inbreeding
Background - Art 3, FCI Breeding Strategies: To preserve, or preferably extend,
the genetic diversity of the breed, matador breeding and heavy inbreeding should
be avoided. Mating between siblings, mother to son or father to daughter should
never be performed. As a general recommendation, no dog should have more offspring
than equivalent to 5% of the number of puppies registered in the breed population
during a five-year period. The size of the breed population should be looked upon
not only on national but also on international level, especially in breeds with
few individuals.
4.3.1 Matador breeding
Limited registration can be used to prevent matador breeding, in accordance with
FCI Breeding Strategy, Art 3.
Some national kennel clubs have registration restrictions concerning the number
of offspring/litters from a single dog (male or female), to avoid decreasing the
genetic diversity of the breed. If this number of offspring is exceeded, a limited
registration can be used.
4.3.2 4.3.2 Inbreeding
Limited registration can be used to prevent heavy inbreeding, in accordance with
FCI Breeding Strategy, Art 3.
Some national canine organisations have registration restrictions concerning heavy
inbreeding: Mating between siblings, mother to son or father to daughter is not
In some countries, mating with an inbreeding coefficient equal or exceed 25%, based
on a six-generation pedigree, is not allowed.
If such mating is done, the puppies can be registered with limited registration.
4.4 Dogs with hereditary diseases or functional disabilities
The breeder and/or owner can ask the national canine organisation to put
limited registration on a dog that suffers from hereditary diseases or functional
disabilities, included those mentioned above.
The national canine organisation can, without a request from the owner, put
a limited registration on a dog that is suffering from severe hereditary diseases
or function disabilities, included those mentioned above.
DNA-tests: A dog who is homozygote for a severe disease with autosomal recessive
or homozygote/heterozygote for a disease with dominant inheritance can be registered
with limited registration.
4.5. Dogs with disqualifying faults
The national canine organisation can, with or without a request from the breeder
and/or owner, put a limited registration on a dog with disqualifying faults, such
as disqualifying coat colour, according to the rules of the national canine organisation.
The use of genetic tests in dog breeding
The Scientific Commission of NKU (Nordic Kennel Union) has worked out a strategy
on DNA-tests in dog breeding, approved by the commission meeting in Iceland November
2014. It was decided on the NKU-meeting to send the document to both FCI Breeding
Commission and Scientific Commission for further action within the FCI regarding
the DNA-strategies.
The availability of genetic tests for different diseases in dogs has increased dramatically
in recent years. For dog breeders and owners, the utility and accuracy of these
tests are often difficult to assess. Even though DNA tests offer new opportunities
as a tool for breeding, they also imply new questions and challenges. The fact that
a genetic test is available for a disease in a breed does not automatically mean
that the test is accurate or appropriate to use as basis for breeding decisions.
The Scientific Committee of the Nordic Kennel Union (NKU/VK) would like to stress
that genetic testing in dogs should be used with common sense and caution. The points
described in the document should serve as guidelines for breeders
and dog owners
regarding the use of genetic tests.
The NKU document was presented to the Breeding Commission, and it was decided to
send the following statement regarding the strategies, to the FCI General Secretariat,
to make it available at the FCI website:
Statements regarding strategies for the use of genetic tests in dog breeding
recommended by the FCI Breeding Commission, Dortmund February 13th 2015,
based on a document from the Scientific Commission of the Nordic Kennel Union, November
The FCI Breeding Commission fully supports the document made by the NKU Scientific
Commission (NKU/VK) regarding the use of genetic tests in dog breeding.
We want to highlight the following statements from the NKU/VK-document, and encourage
the national canine organisations and breed clubs to make it available to all dog
1. The genetic testing in dogs should be used with common sense and caution.
2. A dog showing clinical symptoms of a serious disease should not be
used for breeding – regardless of genetic test results.
3. There is a need for further efforts from the international dog community
to support dog breeders and owners with respect to validation and guidance on the
use of genetic tests.
4. The FCI Breeding Commission advices against the use of genetic tests
for conditions where the inheritance is unclear. Tests for diseases that are influenced
by many genes should be applied only in cases where evidence based on scientific
publications has established that the mutation(s) cause(s) a significant and defined
risk of disease, and provided that the disease is of clinical relevance in the breed
5. The FCI Breeding Commission is reluctant to promote the use of multi-tests
and combination test packages currently available. This position is based on shortcomings
in validation and/or relevance for some of the mutations in the package as well
as the potential negative consequences on the overall breeding goal that uncritical
use of genetic tests is likely to cause. Instead, it should be recommended to the
breeders and dog owners to test for the specific mutation(s) that is(are) relevant
in the current breed, provided that these tests are validated.
6. The FCI Breeding Commission would like to emphasize the importance
of breeders and/or dog owners carefully evaluating the usefulness and accuracy of
a genetic test before it is performed. Only use the tests that are properly
and for conditions of clinical relevance in the breed. No dog, or any other living
creature, is completely free of disease mutations.
Uncritical use of DNA tests may in the worst case result in negative effects on
the breed’s
health and gene pool. Please contact your breed club or kennel club for more information
if you are doubtful.
7. General statement
La Commission d’Élevage de la FCI soutient pleinement les déclarations suivantes
de la Commission scientifique de la NKU (Nordic Kennel Union) relatives à la politique
générale en matière d’utilisation de tests génétiques dans l’élevage canin.
The FCI breeding commission fully supports the following statements from the Scientific
Commission of the Nordic Kennel Union, concerning the general policy regarding the
application of genetic tests in dog breeding.
a. Genetic testing is an excellent tool in breeding for improved health,
provided that the tests are reliable, relevant and used wisely. Breeders and dog
owners should carefully evaluate the benefits and consequences of a genetic test
before it is applied.
b. A one-side or exaggerated focus on DNA test results may result
in an
increased risk that other important conditions or characteristics are overlooked.
c. Breeding programmes should be based on the prevalence and severity
of various health issues, rather than on the availability of genetic tests.
d. If a disease does not constitute a clinical problem in the breed and/or
the genetic test is not validated or accurate, it is better to refrain from the
testing of the dog. Otherwise, there is a risk of excluding potential breeding
and decreasing the genetic variation, based on uncertain or false grounds.
e. Keep in mind that dog breeding is about more than specific diseases
and genetic tests that, even though they are many, do not give the entire picture.
Import of puppies less than 3 months old
The Breeding Commission agreed to send this issue forward to the FCI European Section:
FCI should take actions against the new EU law that does not allow the individual
member country to decide that puppies less than 3 months, unvaccinated against rabies,
can be imported from just some EU countries (free of rabies); the new law
says that
if a country allows import from some EU countries, it has to allow import from all
EU countries.
Until late 2014, it was up to the individual countries to decide whether or not to
give a permission to import puppies that were less than 3 months of age and unvaccinated
against rabies. It was up to the government of the different countries to decide
from which countries they would allow such import (”rabies-free countries”).
According to the new rule, EU does not permit to discriminate between countries
regardless the situation of contagious diseases; the same rules must be valid for
all countries. If a national government permits to import unvaccinated puppies less
than 3 months, the country will have to accept puppies from all EU countries, not
only the “rabies-free countries” as has been done up to now. This will result in
a much higher risk of importing contagious diseases, compared to the rules we have
had until now. Consequently, most countries will probably not permit any import
of puppies less than 3 month of age.
The background for the new EU rule is, to our knowledge, based on an attempt to
reduce the risk of contagious diseases due to import/export of “street dogs” and
from commercial puppy farms etc. It is now up to the national governments to decide
whether to allow such import from all EU countries – or not to allow from any EU
countries. The FCI Breeding Commission fully supports actions against import to
reduce the risk of contagious diseases, but we find it very unfortunate that the
only way to avoid import of puppies less than 3 months from countries with rabies
and a high prevalence of other contagious disease, is to forbid such import from
all EU countries, including rabies-free countries with low prevalence of other contagious
To maintain the genetic variation in dog breeds, import of dogs are of major importance.
The new law will make import more difficult for the serious breeders and dog owners.
It is a lot of work to socialise puppies from 8 to 15 weeks in a proper way, and
we are afraid that conscientious breeders will refuse to sell puppies abroad due
to this new law. It is not beneficial for a young puppy to be kept in a kennel with
little socialisation until 15 weeks old. It is of uttermost importance for a puppy
to be well socialised at early age; this is basic for the future welfare of the
We encourage the FCI European section to take actions to make it possible for the
national governments to make exception from the new rule: It should be allowed to
import unvaccinated puppies less than 3 months, based on an application from the
new owner and a statement from the breeder, from countries with no cases of rabies
the last 5-10 years (“countries free of rabies”) – without having to allow such
import from all EU countries. To allow such import, the condition should be that
the puppy is registered in the national canine organisation (or the breed club commissioned
by the national canine organisation to register dogs and issue pedigrees) in the
country where it is born. The national canine organisation to which the puppy is
imported should undertake the responsibility to control all the import papers prior
to register the puppy in its register. It will then be possible to avoid import
of puppies from dog traders, as well as import of street dogs less than 3 months
It is of major importance for the organised dog-Europe that FCI now takes action
in this matter, to help dog breeders and dog owners in Europe, and to show the member
countries the strength of FCI as a the largest dog organisation in the world, working
for dog welfare and genetic diversity in pedigree dogs.
Keeping the original registration number when dogs are imported
The issue was raised by the Swedish delegate: Sweden finds it very important that
dogs keep their original registration numbers throughout their life. It is a problem
when the same dog has more than one registration number, when calculating inbreeding
coefficients, breeding values etc. Norway is, to our knowledge, the only country
that does not give an imported dog a new registration number.
The delegates agree that it would be beneficial to keep the original registration
number throughout the dog’s life, but it might be a problem in some countries, due
to the computer systems.
The Breeding Commission decided to recommend the national canine organisation to
keep the original registration number on imported dogs. If the current computer
system does not support this, it should be integrated in the future new systems.
The delegates will inform their national canine organisations about this recommendation.
Decisions at the FCI General Assembly concerning proposals from the Breeding Commission
FCI Standing Orders, Art 8.3 (new text bold and underlined): On the original pedigree,
the studbook registration number should follow the initials of the studbook in which
the dog is registered (e.g.: SHSB: no 255 333); in addition, the registration numbers
and the initials should be provided for at least three generations. The type of
coat, the colour and the size variety should be added on the pedigrees, including
the export pedigrees.
GA decision: Approved.
FCI Standing Orders, Art 8.5 (new text bold and underlined): Any member or contract
partner can refuse to (re)-register in its studbook, or alternatively can (re-)register
with a “limited registration: not to be used for breeding”, a dog suffering
hereditary defects or featuring defects which go against Art 2 in the Statutes,
or a dog which does not comply with the rules of selection defined by the member
or contract partner in question.
GA decision: Approved.
FCI Standing Orders, Art 8.8 (new text bold and underlined): … Each dog of a litter
has to be provided with only one export pedigree, which should include
name of the owner of the dog; if the owner’s name is not written on the pedigree,
a separate owner’s certificate must be issued by the national kennel organisation.
GA decision: Approved.
Standing Orders, Art 8.9 (the proposed changes are bold and underlined): …For each
dog registered with an FCI member or contract partner and then exported, the national
canine organisation that last registered the dog shall certify the transfer of the
ownership to the new owner by stating his name and address on the export pedigree
or by issuing a separate owner’s certificate.” »
GA decision: Approved.
Date and place for the next meeting
The Norwegian canine organisation kindly invited the Commission to have its next
meeting in Oslo, May 28th 2016.

The delegates at the meeting of the FCI Breeding Commission, Dortmund 2015
Astrid Indrebø
President of the FCI Breeding Commission