Es gab jede Menge Gerüchte, negatives Gerede und Kommentare in den Social Networks oder per E-Mail über die Organisation der FCI-Welthundeausstellung 2016 in Moskau.

Nach vier sehr ereignisreichen Tagen müssen wir zugeben, dass dank der sehr harten Arbeit der RKF in Verbindung mit ihrem Willen, sich die Empfehlungen der FCI-Consultancy Group zu Herzen zu nehmen, eine hervorragende Hundeausstellung hervorgebracht wurde, die wir alle als ein sehr professionelles Event in Erinnerung behalten werden. Die RKF hat es geschafft, für Professionalität, Glamour, Freundschaft und entspannte Atmosphäre unter den Ausstellern, Richtern, Besuchern und Gästen zu sorgen.


Rafael de Santiago
It's a wonderful world !
FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
06 juillet 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
06 juillet 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
05 juillet 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
05 juillet 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
04 juillet 2016

The FCI highlighted the importance of dogs to society with an event in Brussels

BRUSSELS, 1 July 2016 -- The European Section of the FCI (World Canine Federation) hosted on Tuesday 28 June a summer outdoor event dedicated to dogs: dogs helping people, changing society.

The European section of the FCI brings together 51 national kennel clubs all over Europe and is highly engaged in the defence and promotion of pedigree dogs. With this event, the FCI aimed to raise awareness to the importance of dogs to society. A number of Belgian organisations (OS'MOSE, Brussels Police Dog Unit, Activ'Dog, GERCCMA and Fondation I See) made demonstrations about the work they do with dogs (medical assistance, guide dogs, mobility assistance, narcotic detection, police and rescue operations). Participants also heard more about the concept of dog responsible ownership in Europe and existing projects like the CAROdog Platform.

The event photos are available here: https://goo.gl/photos/3XqJ9GHZ9A2BVQjw8

The President of the European section of the FCI, Jørgen Hindse, stated his satisfaction with the initiative: "I am very pleased with this week's event. We had over 15 dogs and 40 people all very engaged and committed to the protection of animals in our society. I would like to thank all the organisations that made excellent interventions and taught us new facts about the vast abilities of dogs and how they can help us in so many different ways."

Raquel Ponte Costa
+32 2 761 16 42

About the FCI - European Section
Founded in 1911, the FCI - European Section - represents the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI - World Canine Federation). Our role is to further the breeding and keeping of healthy pedigree dogs. The FCI's European Section represents the national Kennel Clubs of 51 countries, which together gather over 10 million members. For more information please visit http://fcieurope.eu/

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
01 juillet 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
26 juin 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
26 juin 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
26 juin 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
26 juin 2016

WDS 2016 Moscow 26 June

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
26 juin 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
25 juin 2016

WDS 2016 Moscow 25 June

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
24 juin 2016

WDS 2016 Moscow 24 June

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
23 juin 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
20 juin 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
17 juin 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
17 juin 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
16 juin 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
16 juin 2016

Dogs helping people, changing society: less than 2 weeks to the FCI event in Brussels

BRUSSELS, 16 June 2016 -- The European Section of the FCI will host on Tuesday 28 June a summer outdoor event dedicated to dogs: dogs helping people, changing society. This is the first ever event organised by the association in Brussels.

The European section of the FCI brings together 51 national kennel clubs all over Europe and is highly engaged in the defence and promotion of pedigree dogs. With this event, the FCI aims to raise awareness to the importance of dogs to society. A number of Belgian organisations will make demonstrations about the work they do with dogs (medical assistance, guide dogs, mobility assistance, narcotic detection, police and rescue operations). Participants will also hear more about the concept of dog responsible ownership in Europe and existing projects like the CAROdog Platform.

The FCI invites all those interested in animal welfare and in dogs in particular to attend to the event together with their dogs. The FCI welcomes the Members of the European Parliament, European Commission's representatives and all associations and organisations working on animal welfare in Brussels.

"At a time where it is not yet clear when the new animal welfare strategy will be published, we thought that an event highlighting the importance of dogs would come in very timely", stated Jørgen Hindse, President of the FCI Europe Section. He shared his enthusiasm with this intiative: "it is the first time the European Section of the FCI organises an event in Brussels. We love dogs and invite all dog lovers to come and join us on 28 June. We are planning interesting presentations and some animations during the event to make it a bit more casual. Fun aside, we do keep our focus which is to push for the inclusion of companion animals in any upcoming European animal welfare strategy. We feel that a lot more can be done in Europe to ensure the health, safety and well-being of our best friends."

Event programme:
• 16:30: Registration and welcome

• 17:00: Introduction by Jørgen Hindse (President of the FCI Europe Section)

• 17:30: Dog responsible ownership in Europe and the CAROdog Platform by Sophie Duthoit (EU Legal Research Officer, Vier Pfoten/Four Paws European Policy Office)

• 18:00: Demonstrations by invited organisations:
o Brussels Police Dog Unit
o 4à4
o Activ'Dog

• 19:00: Networking cocktail
Download detailed event programme here

Practical Details:
• Venue: la Fabrique en Ville, Egmont Park, Brussels (44 Boulevard de Waterloo, B-1000)
• Registration: http://www.etouches.com/fci

About the FCI - European Section
Founded in 1911, the FCI - European Section - represents the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI - World Canine Federation). Our role is to further the breeding and keeping of healthy pedigree dogs. The FCI's European Section represents the national Kennel Clubs of 51 countries, which together gather over 10 million members. For more information please visit http://fcieurope.eu/

Dogs, helping people, changing society

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
15 juin 2016

The FCI General Committee has been particularly attentive to the reactions expressed over the last days regarding the organisation of the 2017 World Dog Show and General Assembly.

We are always eager to protect all FCI members' interests even though this can sometimes generate uncomfortable situations and we are well aware of the unavoidable pros and cons of any decision concerning this matter.

The concerns expressed by the Ukrainian Kennel Union regarding the dates suggested to hold the World Dog Show in Leipzig from 6 to 10 July 2017 are very understandable.

We wish to point out that the FCI Statutes (Art 20.q) and the FCI Show Regulations (Art.3) give the power to the FCI General Committee to make decisions regarding issues related to international, world and section shows.

Indeed, we would like to draw your attention on the fact that the FCI Dog Shows Regulations clearly allow the General Committee to deal with exceptional cases. Therefore, the FCI Dog Shows Regulations finally confirm the power of the General Committee to take a decision in exceptional cases, such as the case at hand (cancellation of the WDS 2017 in Ecuador).

However, out of concern and respect for the huge work already carried out by the Ukrainian Kennel Union, the FCI General Committee has found a solution: the VDH, in a very kind and appreciated gesture, proposed to change the dates of the 2017 World Dog Show to take place now from 9 to 12 November 2017, preceded by the FCI General Assembly on 6-7 November 2017.

We are very happy to announce this solution to a difficult issue and feel confident that you will share our satisfaction.

The General Committee of the FCI always works towards finding solutions which will be favourable to the wellbeing of our Federation. Therefore we are grateful for all the received input from our members concerning this and other issues.

Please note that the present message will be translated to the other FCI languages and sent to you in the next days.

We once again thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Yours sincerely,

Rafael de Santiago
FCI President

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
13 juin 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
11 juin 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
08 juin 2016

FCI Youth

We have been very active in the past year and we want to share what we have been doing for young dog lovers worldwide!

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
06 juin 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
01 juin 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
31 mai 2016

World Dog Show in Moscow 23-26 June 2016 (follow up)

All the issues and organisational matters discussed a couple of days ago in Brussels were again reviewed and the FCI Consultancy Team put lots of extra questions about entries, halls, PR, PA system, traffic, parking, security, judges, etc. Most of them were answered. The working session was follow...

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
27 mai 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
25 mai 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
22 mai 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
20 mai 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
19 mai 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
19 mai 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
19 mai 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
17 mai 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
17 mai 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
10 mai 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
07 mai 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
04 mai 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
03 mai 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
03 mai 2016

FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale
02 mai 2016