2016 FCI World Dog Show:
congratulations Russia!

There had been rumours, hear-says, comments, all of them negative, on Social Networks or via emails about the organisation of the 2016 FCI World Dog Show in Moscow.

After 4 very busy days, we have to admit that the very hard work of RKF, combined with their will to listen to the recommendations of the FCI Consultancy Group, have resulted in an outstanding dog show, of which all of us will remember as a very professional competition. RKF has managed to combine professionalism, glamour, friendship and relaxing atmosphere among the exhibitors, judges, visitors and guests.

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Rafael de Santiago
FCI President
FCI Agility Commission – Activity Report

The last year was very successful for the Agility World.
We had two meetings: one in February, combined with an international judges’ seminar.
20 of the 36 NCO attended the meeting and sent judges to the seminar, too.
25 NCO were represented at the October meeting.
We got all necessary information about the venue, where the World Champion and the JEO would take place. The main themes at the meetings were:

  • changing the obstacle-guidelines
  • voting for judges for the international events
  • setting up some rule changes for JEO and EO.
  • colleting applications from the different NCO for rule changes, which will be valid from 2017 onwards
  • answering upcoming questions from new delegates

We could welcome China, Philippines, Colombia and Turkey as new members of the Agility Commission.

The delegate of Italy, Sandra Deidda, invited all delegates to the WAC, answered all questions about the WAC; so did the delegate of Czech Republic for the Junior European Open, which took place in a football stadium in Roznov pod Radhostem. For the WAC, we confirmed Sandra Deidda from Italy and nominated Sascha Grunder (CH); for the JEO we confirmed two judges from CZ and nominated 1 from Hungary and 1 from Austria.

Up to the end of 2014, the Agility world did not know whether or not we would have a host for the EO 2015. I promised at the prize-giving parade EO 2014 in Hungary that we would find an NCO. Last but not least, Germany applied to be the host and all delegates agreed, because they knew the location from the 2009 WAC, which is in Rieden. This EO was a special one: for the first time, we had an international judge from outside of Europe (Japan), another one from Finland and two from Germany.

A brief review of our international events 2015
Junior European Open, 10-12 July in Roznov pod Radhostem (CZ)

© Dieter Bremer
The first 3 places Team run: Czech Republic, Germany, Austria

© Dieter Bremer
European winner youth – individual Kat. S – Jule Ullrich

More than 300 participants from 25 countries presented their dogs in this wonderful event. The JEO was well organised. A lot of attention was given to the kids – lots of things to do besides running a dog, like attending a party where parents were not allowed, enjoying a swimming pool next door. Overall it was wonderful for the kids and they certainly loved it. They find new friends and kept friendships they found years before through the international Agility events.

The Junior European Winners are:

Cat. S: Jule Ullrich (DE)
Cat. M: Anastasia Savchenko (RU)
Cat. L: Yulia Mahnutina (RU) Children
Zdenek Smrcek (CZ)
Ekatarina Sapriko (RU)
Ekatarina Sapriko (RU)

The Team-Winners
Cat. L: Czech Republic
Cat. M/S: Italy

European Open, 23-26 July in Rieden/Kreuth (DE)

© Dieter Bremer
Winner Team Large: 1. Germany 5; 2. Russian Stars, 3. Germany Spongos

© Dieter Bremer
Winner Individual L: 1. J. Patterson (Canada), 2. Susan Garrett (Canada), 3. Christina Kuko (Germany)

The horse ride stadium and the surroundings in Rieden/Kreuth were the perfect location to cater for over 800 dogs from 36 different NCO’s: 4 rings were so close to each other, handlers and visitors were able to watch quite a lot of the runs, which they loved.
The time schedule was excellent so this high number of entries did not make any problems. The judges did a wonderful job and the veterinarian control was strong but fair. The campers could stay in their mobile homes and watch the runs. We had a lot of volunteers and that helped: any question received an answer.

The winners were:

Cat. L
Jessica Patterson (Canada)
Cat. M
Martina Klimesova (CZ)
Cat. S
Sandi Okanovic (Slovenia)
Cat. L
Germany 5
Cat. M/S
Slovenia Simply the best

World Championship, 8-11 October in Bologna (Italy)

© Guido Küster
Celebration for the winning team Jumping Cat. M

© Guido Küster
Daniel Schröder with his Sheltie (ranking 3rd place Ind. Medium)

The overall impression was excellent. The organising committee and the volunteers deserve thumbs up, they really did a terrific job. 37 countries took part, about 400 dogs were entered.
The championship was well planned and executed. We had a wonderful atmosphere during the whole event, this was in no small part down to the organisers and their whole team. Smashing job Italy, well done! The nominated judges Sandra Deidda (Italy) and Sascha Grunder (CH) did a real good job.

The World Champions:
Team Large: 1st Great Britain – 2nd Slovenia – 3rd France
Team Medium: 1st Czech Republic – 2nd Switzerland – 3rd Slovenia
Team Small: 1st Czech Republic, 2nd Austria – 3rd Lithuania

Ind. Large 1st Vakonuc Pavol (SI)
Ind. Medium 1st Silvia Trkman (SI)
Ind. Small 1st Cirprian Vlad Stefanut (IT)

I would like to thank all my colleges on the commission; special thanks to all the hosts and their volunteers. Last but not least, I thank the employees of the FCI office for their cooperation.

Christa Bremer
President of the FCI Agility Commission